Redcat Racing received a number of request from the community to create scale replicas of some of the Redcat packaging. They took it one step further and have also created a Redcat Racing Scale Garage. Please feel free to download the files, use them with your custom creations, take photos and share them. Make sure you tag Redcat as we would love to see your creations.#Redcatcreations #Redcatnation #Redcatracing #TeamRedcatShop
Free Downloadable Scale Boxes
Each of the downloadable, scale box files shown below, have been created to be printed on a standard 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper. Simply download the file, print, trim and glue for some awesome scale boxes for your RC garage
Free Downloadable Scale Garage Walls
Each of the downloadable, scale garage wall files shown below, have been created to be printed to any scale. However, it’s recommended to print each wall at its intended 30”x16” size. This will give the best results and scale look desired.
If a large enough printer isn’t available, most office supply stores or custom print shops offer low cost print solutions.
If a large enough printer isn’t available, most office supply stores or custom print shops offer low cost print solutions.